Welcome to Mrs. Harris's Class!

Discover the exciting learning journey that takes place in Mrs. Harris's classroom. Get updates, tips, and resources.

December Events

We are wrapping up November.  We had so much fun on our Fall Field Trip to Cook's Museum.  The children learned a lot and have a good time.  We are looking forward to December!  We are shopping for Santa on December 3rd where the students get to shop for their families.  We will be sending a slip home with shopping prices and an envelop for you to make a list and send back with the amount of money you want your child to spend.  This is always a big hit!  

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About us

Here is What's Up in Mrs. Harris's Class! is a blog dedicated to sharing the vibrant experiences and learning adventures taking place in Mrs. Harris's classroom. Our mission is to provide parents, students, and fellow educators with insights into daily activities, lesson plans, and educational resources that foster a love for learning. We believe that education is a collaborative effort, and through this blog, we aim to create a supportive community where ideas and experiences can be shared. Whether it's showcasing student projects, sharing teaching strategies, or celebrating classroom events, we strive to keep everyone informed and engaged. Join us as we explore the world of education and inspire future generations!

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